Bangkok Noir Page 9
Underneath she was nude. Her firm, natural breasts were no larger than teacups; she needed no artificial support. From the areolae the color of cinnamon and the size of silver dollars, her taut nipples rose like sweet, fat gumdrops. Sam captured one between his thumb and forefinger to give it a vicious twist. Nok gasped but did not pull away.
"Hands behind you," he ordered. The Thai woman obeyed without an instant's pause. "Diana, would you hand me those cuffs? That's right, the leather ones, lined with satin. We want our little bird to be comfortable."
I watched, scarcely able to breathe myself, as he shackled Nok's wrists at the small of her back. She bowed her head and arched her back, elevating those gorgeous breasts.
"As you can see, that she's a perfect switch. Give her a whip and she'll make her victim squirm. But show her who's boss..." He tugged her head back to deliver a fierce kiss. She seemed to melt against him, letting him ravage her mouth. When he finally released her, her bottom lip was flecked with blood. He wiped it away with his thumb.
"Did you like that?" He reached forward to cup her tits in his palms.
"Yes, sir." Had he managed to feed her some kind of drug? I'd never imagined Nok could be so docile.
"And this?" He drove his fingernails into her flesh, leaving crescent shaped marks.
"Oh – oh – yes..." Her eyelids fluttered closed. She leaned back as the man crouching behind her molded her curves, across her little belly, over her hips, down to the thin fabric of her skirt bunched between her thighs. His fingers delved into that cleft.
"I'll bet you're wet, aren't you, slut?" He rubbed harder, drawing a soft moan from her throat. "You're drenched. I can feel it through your clothes. It makes you hot when I order you around. When I hurt you."
This time he didn't require an answer. Instead he glanced up at me. "You want to play with her, Diana?"
Oh, God! Of course I did! "Only if that's what she wants."
"She wants to obey me – and you, if I tell her to do so." He waved me toward the bondage chair I'd admired on my earlier visit. "Take a seat. Now, Nok – crawl over to Ajarn and lick her pussy till she comes."
I nearly had an orgasm just listening to his command.
The bar girl shuffled toward me on her knees. I dragged my thong down to my ankles and kicked it off, then seated myself, my thighs hooked over the chair arms, my soaked cunt exposed. A strong scent rose from my privates. I couldn't believe how aroused I was.
Nok settled into a low kneel between my spread legs. She leaned forward, her nostrils flared, her tongue extended, ready to pleasure me.
"Nok!" My sharp call broke through the submissive spell. Her eyes met mine. I saw a flash of confusion there, instantly smothered by desire. There was no question she was willing.
I stroked the satin skin of her cheek. "My little bird, I've dreamed about this. But any time you want to stop..."
"Don't stop until she comes, slut!"
Sam's voice stirred Nok to action. The next thing I felt was the wet heat of her mouth burrowing into my pussy.
Her tongue felt rough as a cat's, sliding along my labia. Her lips pursed around my clit, just long enough to evoke a shudder of pleasure before shying away. She opened my folds with her nose and probed my depths, lapping at my flesh with genuine hunger.
Did she have any sexual experience with women? If not, her intuitions were phenomenal. She knew, or sensed, exactly what I needed. Just the right amount of pressure, the right amount of friction, to push me inexorably toward my peak. For a while I watched her raven head bobbing between my thighs, amazed by her skill and energy, but before long I lay back against the leather upholstery, focusing only on the marvelous sensations.
Her teeth grazed my clit. Electricity arced through me. She circled the nub, prodding the stalk, then swiping across the tip with a broad, flat stroke. I arched up to grind my pelvis into her face.
"Umph!" Her exclamation of surprise was smothered by my wet flesh. "Unh!"
I opened my eyes. Sam stood behind her, a short single-tail whip in his hand. He had flipped her skirt up over her back, baring her buttocks. As I watched in aroused fascination, he brought his lash down on those sweet, round cheeks. His handsome features twisted into a grimace of lust as he hauled back and hit her again. His erection protruded from his trousers, bobbing with each strike.
Snap! Nok jerked involuntarily as the leather stitched across her skin, then arched back, raising her butt for more. Snap! Each time the whip landed, she sucked in a mouthful of pussy. She gnawed on my clit as if to devour me. Sam laid into her with a precise ferocity that would have impressed me if I'd been less dazed by pleasure. I couldn't see the girl's ass, but I knew he was raising lovely red welts. I could imagine them. I could feel the weight of the whip as he swung it back and down upon the slave-girl's punished rear. Yes, I knew what it would feel like, to beat such a luscious, pliant girl until her butt was strawberry-red. Then I'd spread those punished cheeks and sink my cock into her tight, juicy cunt...
Fantasy and reality swirled together. Through half-shut eyes I saw Sam toss the whip away, sink to his knees, align his swollen prick with Nok's cleft, and drive it home.
His thrust forced her deeper. Her teeth caught my clit, triggering a climax that probably drowned her. My thighs clamped around her head. Submerged in pleasure, I jerked and twitched, completely out of control. Meanwhile Sam's relentless fucking pushed the girl's face back into my shuddering pussy.
I heard the sound of flesh on flesh - Sam spanking her while he pummeled her with his cock. Nok's body tensed. I felt the approach of her orgasm, coiling up like a snake, then striking hard. Her muffled cry vibrated through my pussy and then I was coming again myself, laughing and crying and shaking in time with my slave.
When my wits returned, I saw that we'd attracted quite an audience with our little tableau. The leather- and latex-clad denizens of Club Lacoste clustered in a semi-circle around the now-slippery bondage chair. I noticed more than one erection being stroked by its owner. Still dazed, I scanned their faces, reading lust, respect, appreciation. I noticed a familiar face, in the second rank of spectators. Khun Phichit gave me a strange half-smile. I nodded in return. I guess he'd forgiven me.
Sam was in the process of unfastening Nok's bonds. Her cheeks were chafed pink from my pubic hair and smeared with my secretions, but her radiant expression left no doubt that she'd enjoyed the interlude as much as I had. Prendergast helped her to her feet with a level of solicitude I found reassuring. "Had enough, little bird?" he murmured in her ear.
Nok shook her head. Sam led her off in the direction of the stocks.
With a bit of difficulty, I extricated myself from my splayed position and arranged my clothing to hide my still-tingling pussy.
"Ajarn. Would you something to drink? You must be thirsty." I turned to find Oy next to me. Dressed in a steel collar and little else, she carried a glass of some lime-colored tropical concoction with a pineapple slice perched on the rim.
"Oy! I was worried. How are you?"
"I'm fine, thank you. Your drink?" She held out the glass. Beads of condensation trailed down the frosted surface. Irresistible.
"Ah. Thanks!" I emptied the glass in four swallows. It was every bit as delicious as it looked, a mix of fruit juices beaten with ice into a succulent slush. The chill liquid soothed my parched throat.
Sitting back in the chair, I savored the sweet aftertaste. The audience had drifted away – perhaps they were taking in the next act of Sam's and Nok's kinky drama.
My pussy hummed at the recollection of the scene I'd just experienced. I wanted to get up and go watch them myself. But I was so sleepy. I couldn't make myself move. My eyelids drooped as I struggled to focus on the stocks halfway across the room. Was he inserting a butt plug?
The dungeon blurred. A wave of dizziness swept over me. I tried to call out to Nok, but my tongue was glued to my palate.
Something was wrong, I realized belatedly. The juice... I should have been more ca
reful. I'd let my own lust distract me, damn it. How could I be so stupid?
As unconsciousness settled on me like a suffocating blanket, a last anxious thought flitted through my mind. I'd forgotten to check Sam's ring.
Chapter Twenty One
Someone was knocking me on the head with sledge hammer. That was my first thought. But no – the hammer was inside my skull, banging simultaneously at both my temples. I seemed to be blind, too. It didn't seem to make any difference whether my eyes were open or shut. The world remained black.
I was lying face up. Something hard pressed against my shoulder blades and buttocks. I tried to move my arms and legs, but they wouldn't budge. As I squirmed, harsh rope bit into my arms and legs, and splinters pricked my back. So. I was naked, tied to some kind of wooden bench or table.
I sniffed the motionless air. Dust. Mold. A hint of kerosene and the rusty smell of river water. I listened. Was there a faint sound of waves lapping against a pier? Where was I?
A door creaked. The world exploded into brilliant, unbearable light, burning away any coherent thought. I squeezed my eyes shut. The terrible light turned the back of my eyelids red. Pain pounded behind my forehead. I tried unsuccessfully to retreat back into unconsciousness.
"So you're finally awake, Ajarn." The sarcasm registered an instant before I recognized the voice. "You've kept me waiting for hours."
I squinted at the man hovering above me. "Khun Phichit. What do you think you're doing? Let me go! Do you think you can get away with kidnapping a farang? I'm not some upcountry girl that nobody will miss for days."
"Oh? Who's going to miss you? That minx Khun Sam was torturing? Her mind is on other things, believe me. Your bar is closed. Your former employees have scattered. Nobody cares about what happens to some disgraced dyke ex-professor." He leaned closer, close enough that I could smell his expensive cologne. "You're all alone, Ajarn. Just like all the others."
It took me a few seconds to comprehend. "You – you?" I could hardly get the words out. "You're the one – you killed those two girls?"
"Two?" His laugh made me feel nauseous. "Oh, my, Ajarn. I think I'm insulted. There have been a lot more than two."
"But the police..."
"The police take orders from me. So does the government. I'm sure that Sam informed you – I'm a very important man. Rich. Influential. Respected. I can do as I like." He circled a finger around my nipple. I fought the urge to spit in his face.
"That's why I don't like it when some uppity dyke Domme tells me how to treat my slaves."
I swallowed my snide retort. I had to be polite. In Thailand that made a difference. The longer I could keep him talking, the higher the probability I'd get out of this alive. "I'm sorry, Khun Phichit. I was worried about her. I was trained to take care of submissives..."
"Oh, I know how to take care of my slaves. Indeed I do." He seated himself beside me and set a luxurious tooled leather case on the table next to my shoulder. When he flicked the catch, it opened flat to reveal half a dozen knives of various sizes.
For the first time, terror totally swamped my anger.
"You like my toys?" He selected a blade about six inches long and held it up to the light. "See how they gleam!" He peered down at me, a mild smile on his distinguished-looking face. "Have you ever been into blood sports, Mistress? Ever done any cutting?"
Bile rose in my throat. Keep him talking. "Once or twice. I took a workshop a long time ago. You have to be careful..."
"Yes indeed." He brought the tip of the blade to the hollow of my throat, then drew it down toward my navel, barely touching. I shuddered despite my determination to remain still.
"You've got to have a very steady hand. Otherwise the knife might slip..."
The blade bit into my skin, just above my pubic area, raising a sharp sting. Blood welled up from the shallow cut and trickled into my thatch, making me itch. The pain was tiny. I knew it was just the beginning.
"I sincerely apologize for interfering with your scene, Khun Phichit. I should have known better."
"You should have." He drew the knife along my waist, not cutting, just trailing the metal across the skin. I tensed. He pulled the knife away. "But I accept your apology."
Relief flooded through me. "Thank you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart." I strained against my bonds. "Now, will you please untie me?"
"Of course not. I'm a generous man, but you know very well from your years as a dominant that even after forgiveness, every transgression must be punished."
"I'm not a slave, Phichit, and you're not my master."
"I don't know about that." He opened another small wound on my thigh. "I'd say you're pretty clearly in my power." The knife was at my throat again. "Don't you agree?"
I nodded, not daring to speak.
"And I have to admit, I'm still annoyed, Ajarn. Oy told me you tried to prevent her from returning to me. But ultimately, that's not why I brought you here." He brought his blade up between my thighs, parting my wiry curls. "No, to be honest, I want to play with you."
"Play?" I croaked.
"Oh yes." Cold steel tickled my nipple. "First, I'm going to cut off your remaining breast. I find your asymmetry – displeasing. Then I'll slice off your clit. Who knows, Ajarn? You might discover that it's arousing. You know as well as anyone what a thin line there is between pain and pleasure..."
What could I do to delay him? Distract him? Fear combined with my vicious headache made it almost impossible to think.
"Did you – were you responsible for the girl from SuperVamp, two weeks ago?"
He traced the curve of my dragon, pricking me along the way. "Of course." His cultured voice betrayed no hint of his madness.
"But – ow – there was a policeman..."
"That stupid, brutal fellow? He helped me, for a while. It was even easier to get the girls I wanted when a police officer summoned them to the hotel. Kwai got his kicks from slapping them around. But ultimately he didn't have the stomach for more..."
"He killed himself out of remorse."
Phichit's horrible laugh almost distracted me from the sting as he drew his blade across my torso. Bound as I was, I couldn't see what he was doing, but the relatively minor pain had me hoping he still wasn't cutting very deep. Not yet.
He leaned over to peer into my face, smiling as though he hadn't a care in the world. "Ajarn, you're such an innocent, despite your age and experience! Remorse? Kwai had about as much sensitivity as his namesake. Men like Kwai do not commit suicide. He was superstitious, though. No, I had to dispose of him when he started worrying about the ghosts of the women he obtained for me."
Apichat will be glad his man wasn't a murderer. Pain interrupted the random thought. "Ow!" This time he pressed harder. The blade sliced into the upper curve of my breast. The first sensation was an odd sense of penetration, followed an instant later by a separate, fiery agony.
"No!" I struggled, trying to from the cold steel. The ropes tore the skin from my wrists. "No, please... please, Khun Phichit, I'll do whatever you want. Ay!" He pierced me again, this time just below my navel.
"You want girls? Ow!... I can get them for you. As many as you want. Submissive little creatures who will swoon when you light your cigarettes and get out your knives...Oh!..." I was babbling. Warm blood flowed down, across my ribs and onto the table.
He paused again, holding the blade a centimeter or two from my mouth. As the minutes passed, the fire ebbed from the older wounds, to be replaced by a throbbing ache that grew harder to bear each time he cut me.
"Oh please! Don't insult my intelligence by lying. You couldn't even bear to see a worthless slut beaten unconscious." He stabbed at my lips. I tasted salt and rust. "I'd like to hear you scream, but I'm getting tired of your talking. Perhaps I should cut out your tongue before anything else."
"No!" I wailed.
Bang! The wooden door slammed against the wall. "Stop or I'll shoot!"
Relief flooded through my ravaged body. Apichat!r />
But Phichit's knife pressed against my windpipe now. "Drop the gun or I'll slice her throat open." Without relaxing his grip on the knife, the murderer half-turned to grin at the intruder. "You know I'll do it, Colonel. And if you do shoot me? You're the one who'll be rotting in jail, not me. You know who I am, don't you? Nobody can touch me."
"Okay, okay, sir. You're right..."
Now's not the time to be submissive, Colonel, I thought in desperation. Then two shots shattered my eardrums, and Phichit crumpled to the floor.
"You fucking moron," he screamed. "I'll kill you too!" There was a thud as the knife he'd thrown embedded itself in the wall. Then came the crack of breaking bone as Apichat tackled Phichit and pummeled his face.
The murderer howled in pain and frustration. "I'll get you, you pig! Just you wait...!"
"Shut up," Apichat replied mildly. I heard the clink of hand-cuffs. "Tell it to the judge."
"There's no judge in Thailand who'll convict me... Ooph!" I heard a thump and then the sound of a heavy sack collapsing on the wooden planks.
"I warned him," Apichat said. He laid his gun on the table and picked up one of the knives from Phichit's case.
He approached me with the blade. I screamed in terror.
"Ajarn – Diana – please! I need to cut you loose... then I'll call an ambulance." The well-honed knife made short work of the coarse rope. I relaxed a bit as the strands fell away from my chafed limbs. "You're covered in blood. Are you badly hurt?"
He lay a cool hand on my forehead. It felt like heaven. When he smiled into my eyes, I wondered if indeed I'd died.
"I think I'm okay – a lot better than I would have been if you'd come a few minutes later..." Sudden dizziness swept over me. Black spots danced in front of my eyes, obscuring my colonel's concerned face. "But I feel so weak...sick to my stomach..."
The room whirled. Clammy gray mist rose up to swallow me. As it pulled me under, I wondered if Apichat had come too late after all.
Chapter Twenty Two
Sam's whip sizzled across my ass. It burned like lightning. It set me on fire.