Bangkok Noir Page 5
I felt the floor vibrate. Nu had turned up the volume. Time to work.
Mook was already in her cage, soft and helpless like always. I climbed onto my pedestal and grabbed the pole. The music rippled through me. Some Japanese guys sat close, staring up at my writhing body. They looked confused and hungry. I pointed the wand at them. Sparks rained down. They jumped and I laughed, mocking them. I knew they loved it.
I glanced over at the bar. I wanted Ajarn to know that I was back doing my job – making customers want me. But she wasn't watching me. She didn't see how I had these guys under my thumb. No, she was busy, talking to someone seated at the bar – a tall farang with hair the color of straw.
Chapter Eleven
"Dr. Fanning?"
My head was full of figures as I bent over the account book, trying to find the error in Daeng's arithmetic. I was so unused to hearing my official title and my last name that I didn't respond.
I glanced up, annoyed at the interruption, to find a well-dressed blond man, apparently in his forties, perched on a stool on the other side of the bar. His accent was American, though with a citizen-of-the-world blandness that told me little else about his origins. His even features were bland, too, handsome but commonplace, unmemorable – all but his eyes. Those eyes grabbed me – pale and cold, calculating and implacable. The eyes of someone who takes power for granted.
"Yes?" I allowed a hint of irritation into my voice. Shutting the notebook, I rose to my feet, so that I loomed over him. His expression didn't change. "What do you want?"
"I'm Sam Prendergast. I'd like to talk with you for a few minutes, if you don't mind. About a business proposition."
The rectangle of creamy parchment he handed me included a mobile number and an email. No company name. No address. I gave him an explicit once-over, noting his Armani shirt, Patek Philippe watch, and gold initial signet ring. His smile revealed perfect white teeth, but did nothing to warm his eyes.
"What sort of business are you in, Mr. Prendergast?"
The stranger shrugged. "This and that. I have a number of projects here. Right now my primary focus – well, you might say I'm involved in the hospitality sector." His self-deprecating chuckle made him seem less threatening. Indeed, I could see that a less suspicious individual than I might have found him charming.
I summoned what I hoped was a superior smile. "In Thailand 'hospitality' covers a lot of ground. You might even put my business in that category."
He sat up straighter, his eyes drilling into me. "Exactly. You've anticipated me, Ajarn. I'm here because I want to buy your bar."
"Buy The Academy? Out of the question!" I was genuinely shocked. I'd built the bar from nothing, determined to create a place where people like me could find what they needed – in reality or in fantasy. It was my dream – my home – my life, really. The girls were my family.
I glanced around the room, lined with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves alternating with green velvet drapes. Customers clustered at the tables I'd designed to look like classic wooden school desks. Every man in the room appeared focused on the entertainment. In the cage, on the left, Dao was on her knees, clad in wisps of white chiffon, her linked wrists cuffed in matching white leather. On the right, Nok rippled in gleaming silver, writhing with unearthly passion, her violet wand lighting the shadows. I willed her to look my way, but her gaze was trained on the three Japanese visitors cringing at the foot of her pedestal. With a sigh I forced my attention back to the man across from me.
"I'm sorry, but The Academy is not for sale."
"Not even for fifty million baht?"
"What?" I sank back into my seat in astonishment. Who would pay nearly two million dollars for a place like mine? Sure, I'd invested a bit in the décor and infrastructure, but I didn't even own the building. The going rate for bars around Patpong was two to three million baht – and there were always a couple up for sale.
"I'm not interested in selling, at any price. In any case – you know as well as I do that The Academy isn't worth a tenth of what you're offering. Don't insult my intelligence. What's your real game, Mr. Prendergast?"
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. And please, call me Sam." The blond American scanned the bar, honing in on Nok. His lips curled into a half-smile. The tall dancer glanced in our direction, as though she felt his scrutiny, then hurriedly looked away. "Actually, it's not so much the bar itself that I want, but your staff."
"I don't own my girls, Sam. I can't buy and sell them like the slaves they pretend to be." I kept my tone light, but I suspect he sensed my worry. Although Nok, Dao, Lin and the others were pretty loyal, ultimately their first concern was for their income. I paid them well, but how could I compete with someone who had fifty million baht to spare? "Why do you want them, anyway?"
"For my own enterprise. Club Lacoste." His eyes flicked over to Nok once more, then back to me. "A place more or less along the lines of The Academy, but considerably more upmarket and private. And a good deal more hands-on... The membership includes many important individuals – some tops, some bottoms. Most of the time they don't want to play with one another. That would entail far too much risk. Some bring their own partners, but I need staff for those who do not – women, and perhaps a few boys as well, with an instinct for kink.
"I've had a hard time finding people who are – suitable. I'm sure you know what I mean, Ajarn."
I nodded. Concern about hierarchy and status was pervasive in Thailand, yet the country seemed to produce surprisingly few individuals interested in power exchange. Colonel Apichat was a notable exception. The memory of the stripes I'd carved into his tough brown hide brought a smile to my face.
"You seem to have done much better in this area than I," he continued. "Most of my efforts at recruitment have been miserable failures."
The raw disappointment in his voice was a marked contrast with his previous tone of affable self-confidence.
"Maybe it's because you're a foreigner. Or because you're male. Thai women are much more wary of men than they might seem."
"Maybe. Anyway, that's the rationale behind my offer. One or two sweet subs like that one" – he gestured at Dao – "or a born mistress like that glorious creature" – he pointed at Nok – "would go a long way toward keeping my customers satisfied."
He looked like he wanted to devour them. I had a weird sense that I needed to protect my girls from this so-called businessman. But how? How could I prevent him from poaching my staff?
A sudden inspiration made me smile. "Perhaps I can help you after all, Sam. Without giving up The Academy. What if I try to recruit some staff for you?"
Prendergast tore his eyes from Nok's sylph-like form. "Excuse me – what?"
"I've got a bit of a sixth sense when it comes to kink. I can usually spot the girls with submissive tendencies, or the ones who'll feel comfortable swinging a whip. Take me on as a consultant for your club. I'll find and hire the people you need."
"Do you think you can do that?"
"I can try. You've commented yourself that I have some talents in that area." I surveyed my domain, proud of what I'd built. Dao and Nok had finished their sets. They stayed in character as they headed for the toilets, Dao with her head bowed and wrists clasped at the small of her back, Nok strutting like she owned the place. Ann, my newest sub, hurried down the stairs to take her place in the cage, wearing light-weight aluminum nipple clamps and a matching chastity belt.
My visitor's eyes followed her. "I'll pay you well," he said when he finally turned back to me.
"You'd better!" I laughed. "If you've got fifty million to throw around! So when can you give me a tour of your club?" Though it was pretty obvious Club Lacoste catered to a different demographic than my joint, I was definitely curious about the competition.
"Um – will that be necessary?"
"If I'm going to be interviewing girls on your behalf, I need to be able to tell them about the working conditions. Plus – I'll be honest – I'd
like to see it myself. A real dungeon. It's been a while!"
Prendergast's eyes glittered in the semi-darkness. "Very well. But you must be discreet. My clients have a lot to lose if their – predilections – became publicly known."
"Of course. I'm a bit offended you feel you need to mention it." The whoosh of a flogger drew our attention to the dominant's pedestal, where Lin was teasing her rapt customers.
"Sorry, Ajarn. So how about two PM tomorrow?"
"I'll send a car around to your condo to pick you up." He rose to his feet and offered his hand. I took it, suppressing my uneasiness at the fact that he didn't need to ask for my address.
"Fine. Till tomorrow, then."
"Yes, definitely." His eyes lingered on Ann's supple form and his fists clenched. He didn't try to hide his raw desire. Clearly Sam Prendergast was more than a businessman looking to make money off other peoples' kinky inclinations. No, Sam had his own needs.
As, of course, did I.
Chapter Twelve
Don't look at him. Don't look. I turned my back on my customers – and on Sam – and thrust my ass in their faces. Teasing. Tempting them. Pretend you don't see him. One guy reached up to touch my hip. I whirled round and slapped his hand away.
"Sumimasen! Sorry, sorry," he moaned, rocking on his stool. His face was full of fear and excitement. I brushed my wand over his bare forearm. Sparks jumped and crackled. He moaned again. His friends murmured in Japanese.
I'm in charge here. I reminded myself. I will not let that man take me over and shame me. I remembered his hands, though, his lips, his teeth, his gleaming blade. I remembered everything. I couldn't stop the memories. They turned me on even more than the poor little tourists staring at my swollen nipples and my electric toy.
The guy on the left slipped a thousand baht bill into my boot. I held out my foot and pursed my lips. He got the message. H stood up to plant a kiss on my toe. I used the sole to push him back into his seat. There was more chatter. I didn't understand their words but I picked up their emotions without any problem.
Why is he here? Why is he talking to Ajarn? I twirled and dipped, smooth and sexy. The move gave me time for a quick look. Their faces were serious. He's trying to buy me. A gush of wetness soaked my costume at that silly idea. I pushed the notion away and focused on my customers. I tried to think of new ways I could make them sweat. I couldn't see their laps, but I was sure all three were hard.
When my set finished, he and the boss were still talking. I headed for the toilet, feeling his X-ray eyes burning into my ass. Don't look. Be strong.
Sam had left by the time I got back. I paid my respects to the image of Pra Mae Thoranee in the corner. Thank you for saving me from the white devil. I told myself I wasn't disappointed.
I had to find out what he wanted, though. Ajarn stood watching me as I approached. She had a strange expression on her face.
"Excuse me, Ajarn. That man, what did he want?"
"That's my business, Nok. Private." She gave me a sharp look. I wondered if she could smell the lady juice soaking my crotch. "Why do you want to know?"
Panic fluttered through me. Should I tell her?
"What is it, Nok?" Sometimes I think Ajarn can read minds. She came out from behind the bar. I stared at my hands in their silver gloves.
"Well – he's the one – he bought me out of the bar last week. That night..." I couldn't admit it, not even to Ajarn, who's almost like a mother to me.
"He's the one who tied you up?" Her voice was soft but so angry I started to shake. "And left you alone?"
"Yes, yes – I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. I let him – I wanted him..." I dared to look at her, far, far above me. She shook her head. My eyes began to water. Ajarn is one of the only people who can make me cry. "I don't understand why. Something about him – all I wanted was to please him - I'm just a stupid, soft girl, aren't I? Just like Mook and Dao."
She looked as though she might slap me. I deserve it, I thought. But instead, she gave me a hug.
"Oh, Nok! How could you be so foolish? With what's been going on... you could have been in great danger." My cheek pressed against her soft chest. I could hear her heart, beating fast. She smelled like rose soap, and fresh-mown grass. Her fingers massaged my shoulders.
"I thought – I thought I could take care of myself. And I thought I could trust him. He told me to trust him."
"A stranger? A man who weighs twice what you do? You were very rash, taking that kind of risk! He could have hurt you terribly, Nok. He could have killed you. Like those other three unfortunate girls."
"Three?" My heart felt heavy as a stone. "I thought..."
"While you were away, another woman was tortured and murdered. A dancer from Nana. Terrible, just terrible. They found her hand-cuffed to a bed, in a guest house near Khao San Road."
I felt a shudder run through Ajarn's body.
"That could have been you, Nok. Think about it." But I didn't want to think about it. I remembered how scared I'd been when Sam tied me up – how scared and how excited.
She let me go and sat down on a bar stool so that we were at the same level.
"I understand your desire to submit to someone powerful like Sam. There's nothing wrong with that desire. But you've got to make sure you're safe. " She brushed her fingers across my cheek. Her touch felt cool against my sweaty skin. "Next time, tell someone where you're going, and with whom. Better yet – there are places where you can go to have someone tie you up and do things to you – delicious things – places where people understand and follow the rules."
I didn't want to be safe. I didn't want to follow rules. I wanted the fear, and the incredible pleasure that seemed to follow.
Ajarn laughed. "You're thinking that without the fear, it wouldn't be the same, aren't you?" How did she read my mind that way? "Believe me, things can get pretty scary, even if you're not really in danger. Someday I'll have to show you, little one."
The way she looked at me - I felt hot under my costume, hot with shame and something else too. Her eyes stripped me naked – just like Sam's.
Chapter Thirteen
At precisely two PM, a silver Porsche pulled up to my building. The driver greeted me with a wai and opened the rear door. I had to duck my head to get inside. I was not surprised by the luxurious interior. The rich scent of the leather upholstery had the usual effect on me, moistening the crotch of my silk pantsuit. Oh well. I was headed for an exclusive fetish club. Perhaps it was appropriate that I should be somewhat aroused.
I was deeply curious as to the location of Club Lacoste. I'd halfway expected the chauffeur to take one of the expressways and head for the suburbs, but instead he guided his vehicle into the central business district. Near the corner of Sathorn and Narathiwat, he turned left into the parking garage of one of the glass-walled office buildings that loom over the snarled traffic and the old canals.
Sam Prendergast was there to meet me when I emerged from the car. He wore a charcoal suit, obviously hand-tailored, a sun-yellow shirt and a gray silk tie. I was glad I'd dressed up myself. I knew the forest green of my own suit complemented my auburn hair. Tiny emerald studs glittered in my earlobes.
"Dr. Fanning." He extended his hand. His grip confirmed my earlier impression of strength. I remembered poor Nok. I'd bring that topic up later.
"Good afternoon, Sam. Do call me Diana, please. If we're going to be business partners, there's no need for formality."
He wanted to object to my characterization of our relationship. I didn't give him the opportunity.
"So you've hidden Club Lacoste away here plain sight, in the middle of the financial district. How clever! But then I imagine that's convenient for many of your members."
Annoyance clouded his handsome features. "Remember my instructions about discretion, Diana. You must keep everything – and everyone – that you might see today strictly confidential." He led me to an elevator, swiped a key card and pressed the number 28. "If I were
to discover that you'd shared any information about my club – "
"Do you want me to sign an NDA, Sam? So you can sue me if I let anything slip?" I pretended to be amused, but I suspected that he had access to remedies that had nothing to do with the law. "Trust me, I won't breathe a word about the club to anyone. Except your potential employees of course."
"You'll need to be deliberately vague when you conduct your interviews. Don't be specific about the location."
"Can I tell them it's near the Skytrain?" I dismissed his glare with a wave of his hand. "Honestly, Sam – once we do hire the staff you need, how are you going to keep half a dozen Thais quiet about a place like this?"
"Money. I'll pay them enough to make sure they keep their mouths shut."
His grim tone made me wonder whether I really wanted to go through with this.
The elevator slid open on the 28th floor, revealing a carpeted hallway ending in a carved teak door. Sam inserted his card, then punched a combination into a key pad. "State-of-the-art security." He gestured toward the closed-circuit camera on the ceiling. "Our members demand it."
The door swung open with an audible click. "Welcome to Club Lacoste." He didn't try to disguise the pride in his voice
We stepped through the impressive entrance into a spacious lounge. Sunlight streamed in from the floor-to-ceiling windows opposite but the teal-and-cream color scheme combined with the air conditioning to make the room feel cool. A gorgeous young woman clad in traditional Thai costume approached us. She pressed her palms together, brought her fingertips to her shapely breasts, and bowed. "Khun Sam. Good to see you."
"Malee, this is Ajarn Diana."
She repeated her wai in my direction. "Sawatdi kha, Ajarn. Can I get you anything? A drink? Something to eat?"
"Later." Sam's curt reply surprised me. I thought he'd been in Thailand long enough to understand the need to be polite at all costs. Malee backed away, bowing, a smile still adorning her luscious mouth. I guess she was used to him.