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Cool, fast and efficient (so anomalous for Bangkok!), the elevated railway deposited me a block from the bar in a mere ten minutes. As I strolled down the busy soi toward the fake brick facade of The Academy, I spotted a figure lurking in the alley between two buildings across the street.
My pulse raced with a sudden surge of adrenaline. I stopped to admire a vendor's display of outrageously high-heeled shoes, keeping watch on the spot out of the corner of my eye. I was acutely disappointed when, a moment later, Lieutenant Narongchai stepped out of the shadows and into the middle of the soi. Obviously, Apichat had assigned him to surveillance detail here, in the heart of the so-called entertainment district.
Kwai nodded his head in recognition as he passed me. He didn't smile. I should have felt a sense of relief, knowing that we were under his watchful eye. Instead I felt of a sense of oppression. I would have preferred that the Colonel had delegated the role of guardian angel to someone a bit more sympatico.
The bar was already getting lively when I arrived. Happy hour always brings in a crowd, Bangkok being a favorite destination for bargain hunters. Nok was dancing in the Domme's spot, wearing a leopard-patterned costume that would have been camp on anyone else.
On her, it fit like her own skin. Her movements were sinuous and raw. She had become a wild animal, fierce and full of power, terrifying and breathtakingly beautiful. Her hair was tangled in her eyes. Her limbs were sheened with sweat. I thought that I could see the glint of her long fingernails in the spotlight. I imagined those glittering talons raking across my belly, tightening on my nipple, deftly teasing my clit from its hiding place.
I watched her for a while, trying to ignore the hungry ache in my cunt. I knew better than to lust after my employees. I had learned my lesson, a painful one. It's dangerous to mix business and pleasure. And Nok was in some sense under my protection, just as my students had been.
Still, a few daydreams couldn't hurt, could they? My palms tingled as I saw myself tracing the fluid shapes of her body, cupping her compact breasts, spreading her thighs wide. I could almost hear her moans when I buried my face in her sweet, nasty pussy and lapped at her sex-juices. Then I thought about my strap-on, how she would squirm underneath me as I worked it deep into her cunt.
And what if I bound her, first? Would she let me? I knew she had the heart of a dominant, but I was her elder, her superior, her boss. Her teacher. She might submit to me, out of krieng jai, respect and a sense of duty. On the other hand, she just might do it out of desire. Years of experience had taught me that few people are purely tops or bottoms.
But then, I was her employer and her teacher. She was a constant temptation, but I knew had to control myself. In this city, there was no shortage of women, or men for that matter, willing to give themselves to me.
Unfortunately, it was Nok that I wanted.
My suit felt tight and uncomfortable. The trousers were distinctly damp at the crotch. I signaled to Daeng, my mamasan, and she hurried over.
"Sawatdi kha, Ajarn." Her sunny smile contrasted with her costume, deliberately designed to evoke the severe headmistress. Starched white blouse buttoned up to her throat, dark skirt that fell just below her knees, "practical" shoes with sturdy high heels that highlighted her muscular calves. Her mane of black hair was meticulously constrained in a tight bun at the back of her neck. The final touch was a wooden ruler, tucked conspicuously into her wide leather belt. More than one customer had begged to feel her ruler across his knuckles.
"Sawatdi kha, Daeng. Would you mind getting me a ginger ale? It seems hotter than usual tonight."
"Of course, Ajarn. Just a moment." When she returned, I drained the glass in four gulps.
"Thank you. So, how is everything going tonight? Any problems?"
A shadow crossed her face. "Everybody seems fine. But Toy is not here yet."
"Really?" Toy was a petite, playful, latently submissive girl whom I had hired a few months ago. Normally she was prompt and diligent, eager to make as much money as she could. I learned from the other girls that her mother had health problems, and that Toy sent most of her earnings upcountry to support her.
"And she didn't call?" I felt a frown gathering on my forehead.
"No. Nobody has heard from her. I'm worried, a little bit. You know, because of the other girl." Her vagueness did not surprise me. It was bad luck to talk to openly about a violent death. It might attract ghosts.
I nodded sympathetically. "I know. I'm worried, too. If you get any kind of information about her, let me know right away, please."
"I will. Now I have to go and make that lazy girl Jen get up and dance. Excuse me, please." Daeng hurried away to resume her normal activities.
I wandered over to ask Gorp, the bartender, for another drink. As I sipped the bubbly liquid, I let my eyes drift back to Nok. She was just finishing her set; her grace as she descended the stage and donned her robe made my chest ache with longing.
She looked uncharacteristically thoughtful, even sad. I beckoned to her, and she joined me at the bar.
"Everything ok, Nok?"
"Yes, Ajarn. Everything fine."
"You look tired."
"Maybe, a little. Last night I not sleep well."
"Neither did I." I didn't bother to mention the reason. "Have you seen or heard from Toy, by the way?
"Nok shook her head. "No, why?"
"No one has seen her since last night." For the first time since I met her nearly two years ago, I thought that Nok looked scared. Then she seemed to wipe the emotion off her face, replacing it with carefully composed mask of calm.
"I'm sure she's ok. Maybe she eat something bad. After work last night, many girls go out for somtam and sticky rice. Sometimes, when you eat late, you get sick."
I could tell that Nok was no more convinced than I was. "Ok, well, thanks. Let me know if you hear anything."
"Ok, Ajarn." She headed toward the toilet, swaying on her fuck-me heels. I certainly could see how that slang phrase had originated.
Chapter Four
I’ve worked at the bar two years already. That night was the longest night in those two years. On the surface, everything seemed normal. I danced. I chatted with my friends. I flirted with some customers.
Mostly, I waited. I tried to be patient. But the blond farang didn't come back. I didn't know if I was sorry or glad. When I remembered what he had done to me, his lips and his teeth and his see-through-me eyes, I wanted him so much that I could hardly stand up.
That girl Toy didn't come, either. I didn't want to think about her. She was such a soft, silly girl. Sometimes I liked to boss her around, just for fun, because it was so easy. She almost seemed to enjoy it. When I made her clean my shoes, or get me a drink, or give me a massage, she would just smile and call me phi sao, older sister.
Now I felt guilty. What if something happened to her? After I was such a bully. I promised the Lord Buddha that I'd would apologize when I saw her again. If I saw her again.
I remembered what the farang said. "It's not your time." That he had an appointment elsewhere. Was Toy here last night? Did she meet the stranger too?
I didn't know whether I should be worried, or jealous.
Chapter Five
Running The Academy, I typically don't get to bed before four in the morning. So I was not pleased to be awakened by my mobile at eight AM.
"Hello, Madame. Colonel Apichat Weeranwongsakul speaking."
I wondered groggily how the police had gotten my cell phone number. Then, all at once, I was wide awake, and full of dread. The proper Colonel Apichat wasn't likely to be making a social call.
"Yes, Colonel, hello. Excuse me if I seem confused."
"Sorry to wake you, Madame. But it was an emergency."
Oh, no. No. Please, not little Toy.
"There has been another killing. The same basic pattern."
"Another bar girl?"
"We think so. But we can't identify h
er. We didn't find her ID card, and her face is rather – damaged."
Oh, God! I squeezed the tears back and tried to focus on what he was saying, to figure out why he had contacted me.
"We got a call on the hotline, from someone named Daeng. She told us that one of your dancers was missing from work last night."
I supposed Daeng had done the right thing. Too bad that she was too late.
"I would be grateful if you came and looked at the body. To see if this is your girl." I could tell from his strained voice he didn't want to ask this of me. He understood how I feel about my girls, and he knew how difficult it would be.
I didn't want to go, didn't want to acknowledge the violence, the danger, the evil that was stalking me and my "family". But really, I had no choice.
"Of course, Colonel. If you can give me the address, I can be there in an hour."
"Thank you, Madame. From my heart." He gave me directions to the morgue. The tears spilled down my cheeks as soon as he hung up.
I gave myself five minutes to cry. Then I wiped my eyes and headed for the shower, trying to prepare myself for the task before me.
When I came out of the bathroom, drying my hair, the phone was ringing again, insistently. I raced to answer before the caller gave up.
"Hello. Colonel?"
"Ajarn?" The voice sounded faint and the line crackled with static. "This is Toy."
I had the momentary thought that she was calling from beyond the grave. I've really been here in Thailand too long.
"Toy! Where are you?"
"In Roi Et, Ajarn. With my mother. Yesterday she have stroke. I rush upcountry to be with her. They think she might die. Sorry I didn't call before. I cannot think of anything but her."
"How is your mother now?"
"Better, Ajarn. At first she cannot move or talk at all. Now she can wiggle her fingers, and say a few words. The doctor says she maybe not be able to move her right side. But he thinks she not in danger anymore."
"I'm sorry to hear about your troubles. But I am so very glad that you called. We were all concerned about you. You know, because of what has been happening here..."
I definitely didn't want her to know that the killer had claimed another victim.
"I know. Sorry to worry you." There was a pause, as though she was conferring with someone else. "The doctor says I should stay here for at least a week. Just in case. Is that ok?"
"That's fine, Toy. Never mind. I won't deduct the time from your salary. It's better you should be with your mother." And safer, too, I thought.
"Oh, thank you, Ajarn. You have good heart."
As soon as she cut the connection, I redialed the Colonel to tell him the good news. Well, good news from my perspective at least. He still had another tortured and apparently mutilated body to deal with.
I could sense his frustration, almost desperation, on the other end of the line. "Thank you, Madame," he said. "I'm glad the victim turned out not to be one of your employees. But, do you have any idea who it might be, then?"
"Did the victim have any distinguishing marks? Anything that might provide a clue to her identity?"
"Just the same dragon tattoo at the base of her spine as half the other girls in Bangkok. One thing, though – she was blonde. You can tell, even with all the blood."
I shuddered. "So this woman wasn't strangled?"
"Oh, we think that she was. But she was also cut, with a sharp knife, very deliberately. Almost as though she was a sacrifice.
"I will do some research, Colonel, talk to the other bar owners, and see if I can find out whether any of them have a girl with blonde hair and a tattoo who seems to be missing. I'll call you if I have any leads."
"Khorp khun khrap, Madame. Thank you for your help."
"Not at all, Colonel. Please, call me if I can be of any other assistance."
Our "entertainment district" doesn't begin to wake up until mid-afternoon. I figured I could manage a few more hours of sleep before I started working on Apichat's problem. I should have dropped off immediately, after my rude morning awakening and the dual shocks of Toy's murder and resurrection. I tossed and turned for at least an hour, though.
The Colonel's voice echoed in my mind. There was something he wasn't telling me, something that he wanted to share, but felt that he had to conceal. I finally drifted into sleep, still wondering.
There are dozens of bars and clubs on the two streets that link Silom and Suriwong Roads. There was no way I could check them all. And of course, there was no guarantee that the latest victim was a bar girl at all, though the murder had taken place only a few blocks from the Patpong area.
I let my intuition guide me, going first to the few clubs that, like mine, have some BDSM flavor.
The Cavern was just opening. Khun Jim, the mamasan, was there already, checking the accounts. Her round face, all the rounder for her spiky buzzcut, first bloomed into a smile when she recognized me, then immediately grew serious.
"Sawatdi kha, Ajarn. How good to see you! Though the news is not so good, is it?"
I wondered if she had heard about the second murder. My question must have shown in my face.
"About poor Nee. She worked here for two months before she moved to SuperVamp. Did you know? She left because her girlfriend got a job there. But we kept in touch."
"I didn't realize that you knew her. But, that's not why I'm here." I looked around at the walls, Styrofoam painted to look like stone, festooned with fake iron rings and dangling chains. A bit tacky. Though the young lady who brought me a welcome glass of water looked genuine enough, with her pierced nipples and black velvet thong. I forced myself back to the topic at hand.
"There's been another killing. Another girl, with bleached hair and a dragon tattooed on her back. The police don't know who it is. Any of your girls match that description?"
Jim thought for a moment. "Doesn't sound like anyone who works here. We prefer our women dark – you know, given the dark business we're in here." She laughed at her own jest, before remembering once again the somber topic we were discussing.
"What about Justine's?" I figured that Jim would know something about the competition. Do you know any of their girls that match the description?"
"Are you kidding? Everyone who works at Justine's has bleached hair and multiple tattoos. Part of their image, you know, along with the collars and wrist cuffs." Jim grinned. "You'll have to go ask there. Talk to Ae. She's a smart girl."
I thanked Jim and strolled down the soi to Justine's. It was an upstairs bar, one of the few that still offered live sex shows in return for doubled prices on its drinks. In Justine's case, it was silly pantomimes of one woman whipping another. Sometimes, they got the customers up on stage to participate but it was all very light-hearted.
Forgive me if I seem catty, but I believe when it comes to dominance and submission, The Academy is the only place in Bangkok that offers the real thing, in all its scary glory.
The bar wasn't officially open yet. On the raised stage in the center of the room, half a dozen women sat cross-legged, eating khanom jeen noodles with green curry and gossiping. One of them was Ae. Though she seemed as loud and chatty as her companions, she sobered up immediately when I took her aside and told her my mission. Her brow wrinkled in thought.
"It could be Arun," she said, "or maybe Nong. Both of them bought out of the bar last night."
"Did you see who they left with?"
Ae shrugged. "Not really. There were many men here last night, some Germans, some Australians, a bunch of Japanese. A few Thais, too. I saw that fat policeman Kwai around, though he wouldn't have a drink."
"Colonel Apichat has assigned him to keep watch."
"That's good. Maybe he saw something."
"Maybe." I figured that Narongchai would have told the Colonel anything that seemed relevant. "About Arun, and Nong. Did either of them have any special characteristics that the police could use to identify them – if you couldn't see their faces?"
again, Ae gave her entire attention to my question. "Well, Arun has braces. You know, to straighten her teeth. She says she wants to look like Madonna. And Nong has a scar on her throat, from where she choked on a fishbone when she was a child."
"Thank you, Ae. That could be very helpful."
"Never mind. I hope that they find him." Her faces was suddenly grim. "That son of a dog who is killing us. As if we don't have enough problems."
I couldn't do anything but agree.
I phoned the Colonel as soon as I left Justine's. The braces didn't ring any bells, but when I told him about the scar, he grunted. "Her throat was badly bruised, but there might have been a scar. I'll ask the coroner to check. Thank you, Ajarn."
It was the first time he had ever called me that. Curiosity pricked me into high alertness.
"Never mind, Colonel. I want to do whatever I can to help you catch this madman."
He was silent, but I could hear his breathing. Something was definitely odd.
"Colonel? Are you still there?"
"Yes, Ajarn." I was shocked to realize that he was speaking in Thai. "Ajarn, I need your help. In a more personal matter."
"But of course, Colonel. What can I do for you?"
Once again there was silence on the line. I could feel him fighting with himself.
"Ajarn, I have – desires. And from what I have heard, you have the skill and experience to help me satisfy those desires."
All at once, I understood. I remembered the look of anguish on Apichat's face when he watched Lin dancing. He knew of my history as a dominatrix. He wanted a session with me, to try and propitiate the demons of submissiveness that haunted him. How could I explain to him that, if all went as it should, this would only strengthen his obsession?
I made my voice as gentle as I could. "Are you sure this is what you want, Khun Apichat?"